读了这篇文章后,我决定做更多的调查,发现跳蚤马戏团有着悠久的历史,起源于16世纪的英国。他们在19世纪30年代度过了一段黄金时代,当时l .贝尔托洛托在伦敦举办了他的跳蚤展览。他的展览展示了跳蚤乐队演奏跳蚤音乐,跳蚤玩纸牌游戏,跳蚤在裙子上跳舞,甚至跳蚤可以拉微型马车!跳蚤马戏团后来成为美国嘉年华会和马戏表演的固定节目,直到20世纪50年代中期,纽约时代广场附近仍然有跳蚤马戏团。读完那篇文章,我决定深入调查,并惊奇的发现跳蚤马戏团竟然可追溯到17世纪。它们是19世纪40年代黄金时代的产物,当初贝托罗陀在伦敦建立了第一个跳蚤表演。他的
展示以跳蚤乐团表演,纸牌表演,以及跳蚤盛装跳舞为主,甚至还有跳蚤花车游行。跳蚤马戏团后来成为美国常规的嘉年华活动,到了20世纪50年代中期,纽约时代广场上也有一个跳蚤马戏团。Training fleas can be very difficult, but there are a few methods that have proven successful. You can limit the height of their jump, if you put a glass ceiling above them, as they don't like to bump their heads. There are also chemicals that they don't like. These can be put on a small ball and put among a group of fleas. The fleas will push the ball away with their legs and give the illusion that they are playing football. Fleas are also very sensitive to heat and light and this can be used to manipulate the fleas to give the appearance that they are well-trained performers. It's also believed that the flea orchestras of the past were in fact live fleas that were glued to their seats. The majority of fleas in the flea circus are, however, dead. They can be attached to their circus equipment and manipulated with the use of magnets. This has the added benefit that fleas, which have a very short life, then don't need to be continuously trained and replaced. 训练跳蚤很困难,但是有几个被证实过的成功案例,你可以放一个天花板在它们头上,这样你就可以限制他们跳的高度了,这是因为它们不喜欢撞到头。有趣的是他们还有不喜欢的化学物质。在一群跳蚤里放进一个小球。跳蚤会用脚推球,人们会以为它们似乎在踢足球。跳蚤也对温度和光很敏感,利用这点可以控制跳蚤,以此来证明它们有受到较好的训练。过去,跳蚤会被粘在椅子上。但是,绝大多数的跳蚤会在这个过程中死掉。它们会被磁铁操控。不过这倒有个好处是,跳蚤的寿命很短,这样就不用不断被训练和替换了。
So how did something as unlikely as a flea circus become a major event at one of Britain's most prestigious performing arts festivals? Well Cordoso's flea act sounds truly incredible, even by circus standards. Her fleas perform in miniature costumes created with the help of Philadelphia's Fabric Workshop and Museum. They tango, walk tightropes, perform trapeze acts and Brutus the strongest flea on earth is even shown pulling a train. The high point of the performance is the projection of a film which was made using special lenses to magnify the fleas' feats to huge proportions and features a tribute to the Fearless Alfredo who is shown diving from a great height into a thimble of water and tragically missing. Perhaps even more incredible is the trainer herself. The exotically beautiful Colombian-born Maria Fernanda Cordoso is a sculptor, installation artist and graduate of Yale University. She spent four years researching the lost art of flea training and is now regarded as a world expert. She appears at the performances in a brightly coloured shimmering costume with a magnifying visor and fires flea cannon balls into a tiny flea net. The performance also features the fleas feeding from her bare arm. 那么,像跳蚤马戏团这样不太可能的事情都演变成英国最有名的表演艺术盛会,这是如何做到的?克多索的跳蚤表演听起来很棒,甚至是以马戏团的标准来说。她们的跳蚤表演穿着漂亮的微型衣服,这些衣服均由费城纺织品作坊和博物馆制作。它们跳探戈,走钢丝,表演飞人和布鲁特斯。世界上最强壮的跳蚤甚至可以拉动一列火车。表演的高潮是使用特殊镜头,把跳蚤放大近距离观看、无畏者阿尔弗雷多从一个相当高的地方潜入水中并下落不明。也许最棒的是训练者是她们自己本人。玛利亚出生在哥伦比亚,她是一个雕刻家,装置艺术家,并且是耶鲁大学的研究生,他花了四年的时间研究跳蚤失传的训练法。在这个领域,她在世界可谓专家。她穿着鲜艳且闪闪发光的服装进行表演,手持放大镜,并借用太阳光点燃小小跳蚤炮弹。表演中还展现了跳蚤在她赤裸的臂膀上喂食的场景。
Well, if this article has left you itching to find out more, here are some little known facts about fleas: 好吧,如果这篇文章挑起你对跳蚤的兴趣,来看看这些关于跳蚤的小知识。
There is a flea in a Kiev museum that wears horseshoes made of real gold.
A flea can pull up to 160,000 times its own weight.
A flea can jump over 150 times its own size. If a man had the same strength, he could jump over St Paul's Cathedral.
一只跳蚤可以跳过它自己身长150倍的距离。 如果一个人有类似的技能,他可以跳到圣保罗大教堂。
When jumping, the flea accelerates 50 times faster than the space shuttle.
A flea can jump 30,000 times without a break.
Dead fleas dressed as wedding couples were popular collectors' items in the 1920s.
Fleas are attracted by carbon dioxide.
Fleas alternate the direction of their jumps. 跳蚤可自我调整跳跃的方向。